It is the perfect time to discover why Comfort Food appeals to us. Some people do no like the definition of Comfort Food; food prepared in a traditional style having a usually nostalgic or sentimental appeal, Merriam Webster Dictionary online Dictionary, Food that is simply prepared and associated with a sense of home or contentment, Answers.com,but it is clear that many people seek this type of food when facing uncertainty and trying times.
Trying times defines our now.
I have observed over the last twenty years that people often times come to the 101 Cafe after the death of a family member or a friend. This is probably the one event that made me think about people coming into the Cafe to seek comfort. Taking it to an extreme 911 brought thousands in seeking the solace, contentment and comfort for months afterwards. I felt a little guilty about our crowds when other businesses were challenged by the huge disruption brought about by terrorist Comfort Food has accounted for a substantial number of our guest. It is clear that nostalgia is a big draw and over the years people have come back to see the Cafe. We get guest who's parents have brought them from the North on their way to San Diego from as early the 1920's and every decade since. We get veterans from the military who have come here since we've opened in 1928. We get returning Marines from Iraqi seeking the foods they have missed and the smiles from our staff. It is great to see the returning vacationers from all around the world bring family and friends to see the Cafe that they so love.
What ever you call it these foods help form an attraction to a place like the 101 Cafe we hope will never end.