When I read that Dorothy
Satten had died I remember a photo in the
Oceanside Historical Society's archives. It was donated years ago by Randy Mitchell and was of the Opening of the New Bridge Motor Inn on
Highway 101 in Oceanside. The 1965 image included one of my classmates at
Oceanside High School Barbara Mandrell . Barbara was Miss Oceanside in 1965 and as most of us know she was a Country Mega Star. From left to right in the photo are; Jerome Jones, City Councilman and eventually Mayor, Dorothy
Satten, Barbara
Mandrell, her husband Frank
Satten and Harold Andrews, the builder.
The Bridge
still stands, but is being planned for a multi-storied hotel in the future. Until then you can still eat at Dorothy's
restaurant, the Flying Bridge. While she has not owned it for many years most of the old timers
think of her when they think of the
I wish I could tell you more about Dorothy, but I never even met her, my loss.
One of the best parts of staying in your community like I have is all the memories that surround you. I am a lucky guy.