Saturday, April 26, 2008

1954 Ford Crown Victoria Visits the Cafe

Cool Cars cruise into the 101 Cafe with regularity. It is not unusual to see a T-bucket, Cobra or a vintage Model A on any one day. Leaning about the car culture that we live in is always a treat. Jim 'JT' O'Connor drove his 1954 Ford 'Vic' into the 101 on the way to a Plate Show on Camp Pendleton later in the morning. JT, Jim gave me a primer on old license plats and his car's was a good example of what they looked like. The California plates looked brand new, but were purchased by a family member for Jim's Vic. He showed me a trick he invented to hide the modern stickers which are required by DMV, but he makes disappear for car shows. Simple and way cool his ingenuity will help make the plates even more attractive to car collectors.
JT tells me you can expect to pay $ 300 to $ 400 per plate for these collectibles.

Junior Seau Pays Forward

Oceanside's Junior Seau does his share of payback to his community, but continues to step up and give big to the kids of Oceanside. He spends time at our beach in his beautiful home, surfs, swims, runs and walks our Strand with family and friends. You can also see him spending time with kids showing them how to workout to improve their lives. He spends time at our Boys and Girls Club and gives back more than any of Oceanside's successful citizens. He has a small business empire including Seau's "The Restaurant"which keeps him busy when he is not playing in the NFL. Junior is a favorite son to be most proud of.