Early on I learned that in order to get exposure for a retail business it was important to seek help in the media through PR. It doesn't take long to learn that when you attach the term PR to media you have found a no cost way of exposing your business, group or community. I attached a few photos that were in International, regional and local magazines or calendars and did not attempt to list all of them. I found it very
help full to offer the media some
trade offs in order to get what some think is my unfair exposure. I am a third generation
Oceansider who is well versed in local history, business and politics so I have much to offer and it helps believe me. I have used my self taught skills in PR for all the projects I have taken on in our community. I am proud of my 'Shameless Self Promoter' moniker because I really promote my business, my non profit groups and my community which makes it a lot less self-centered than it sounds. Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to put a few of my TV appearances online. It will probably take the help of a twelve year old to do it. Part of my drive is to keep the
101 Cafe going for its second eighty years. You may have noticed it is the oldest business in Oceanside and the oldest Cafe on Highway 101 on the entire West Coast. Oops
there I go promoting again. Stay Cool.