It seems so long ago that two towns,
Oceanside and
Escondido were connected by a train that brought passengers and products to market. Of course that changed so many years ago few remember it. But, now '
Sprinter' rail service has begun passenger service again and these two cities now are bracing for a success few envisioned. Already the numbers of eight thousand a day are being reached and with each new day records may fall. Primarily setup for commuters the new 'Sprinter' is carrying more Explorers than anyone envisioned and its not even Summer yet. These Explorers are your Aunts and Uncles, Sisters and Brothers, Moms and Dads as well as vacationers who have found the $ 4.00($ 2.00 for Seniors) for all day riding a great deal.
We can already see the riders in town looking for things to do and where to eat.
We have received phone calls letting us know that groups are coming to the
101 Cafe for a meal. Just a few blocks South on Coast Highway from the Depot it is an easy walk for anyone wishing to take their trip back in time. The Cafe offers a free brochure on the Historical buildings in the downtown. It is open from 6:30 AM till Midnight everyday, Christmas.
The new Sprinter is a great ride, new, quiet and smooth and offers views of the four cities (Escondido, San Marcos, Vista and Oceanside) along the route few have ever seen. Make plans now for this great ride.