More often than not it is sunny along the 101. You can enjoy a day like this in sandals, shorts and a t-shirt. These are the days to spend time cruising looking for that perfect beach and enjoy it since in the summer we will have lots of company. The Cafe begins it long build up to summer also with more guest showing up earlier. Can you imagine that folks think it cold when it gets down to 45 degrees in the mornings. Oh well they don't know weather like most of the world.
I have begun preparations fore the 3rd Annual Beach'n 101 Cruise along the 101 between Oceanside and La Jolla, September 7, 2008. We expect about a thousand cars on the asphalt this year. Every make, mode and year you can imagine and lots of trucks. Of course there are plenty of woodies who are getting ready for the BIG WaveCrest Show in Encinitas. A day of seeing and being seen.