It gets more exciting everyday. Now there will be a Fighter Jet Flyover on Friday the 27th 7:00 PM just before the Free Top Gun Movie is shown at the Pier Amphitheater in Oceanside fight after the Marine Corps Band finishes its concert. We will see and feel the 'Need for Speed' first hand at this Friday night movie.
Saturday starts with Top Gun Beach Volleyball Exhibition/Tournament beginning at 11:00 AM next to the Top Gun House. There will be Beach Volleyball Pros like Karch Kiraly and Sinjin Smith, Marines, Navy and Local players all making up the teams for this Top Gun Tournament. Beginning at 2:00 PM there will be a Kids Clinic put on by the Pros until 4:00 PM. Keeping with the Movie Kansas City BBQ will be selling not only their great food, but also Top Gun Memorabilia.
Saturday night at 7:00 PM the Free Top Gun Movie will be shown again in the Pier Amphitheater. What a great way to begin your Memorial Day Weekend. For information call 760-721-1101