There is a group of Marathoners that have walked marathons together for many years and cumulatively have done over six hundred races. They have never referred to themselves as a group so I might call them the Marathon Misfits for now. The Misfits is made up of Artist Weber, the God of Sod, the Architect of Wet and Mr. 101. Now that is the hardcore group, but it sometimes expands into many more. Some of the group have been doing races for over twenty years.
Since the group did almost all sanctioned marathons like the LA Marathon for many years it seemed only natural that we would put together our own routes and races. The first was the Highway 101 Marathon from the 101 Cafe to the beach North of the La Jolla Tennis Club . It was a winter time favorite close to home we had our own t-shirts, numbers and medals. Well it didn't take long before we did more of our own races: Sprinter, El Camino Real, Yosemite, San Luis Rey, Pacific Coast and our last creation the FleaDick. OK so why the FeaDick name? This race begins at the off ramp to Camp Las Pulgas on Camp Pendleton also known as El Camino Real. A popular place for Bicyclist to begin a ride going North to the San Onfre State Park and further North to San Clemente. Our route continued around the Dana Point Harbor and then to the San Juan Capistrano Mission. What a beautiful race. Oh yeah why FeaDick? Las Pulgas means 'the flea' and I did not mention after we pass the San Onfre Nuclear power plant we proceed by the site of Richard Nixon's Western White House, walla, flea Dick.
I look forward to every race and enjoy everyone who races with us. This is as close as it will come to me be a club member.
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